Initial Setup of Educational Institution

Initial Setup of Educational Institution

Instruction for Educational Institution Administration (for Principal, Vice Principal, Administrator)

1. Open the platform

You can open the platform by following the link: Then sign in using your username and password.

2. Creating an Academic Year

First, you need to create an active academic year: Settings Academic YearsAdd.

Settings of Academic Years

3. Enter the name of the Academic Year

The next step is to enter the name of the academic year and set the start and end dates ⇒ Submit.

Creation of Academic Year Window

4. Add academic periods (semesters, quarters, etc.)

Academic periods (semesters, quarters, etc.) can be added using the following steps: Settings Academic YearsEdit (button with three dots) ⇒ Academic Periods

Settings of Academic Years

Add add each period separately, enter the name (For example, Semester I, Semester II), set the start/end dates ⇒ Submit.

Creation of Academic Period Window

5. Setting the time of lessons.

To set the duration of lessons in the Settings: Lesson Time Add.

Lessons time settings

You should add each lesson separately. Set the index (numbering 1st, 2nd, 3rd... lesson), start and end time for each grade and click on Submit button.
You can add different lesson times for different grades. Just select specific grades in the "Add" window.

The window for adding lesson time

After adding, the new lesson time appears in the list.

6. Adding subjects.

The next step is adding subjects that are taught in the school. Open the Settings and choose: Subjects Add.
Adding subject to the school

Next, select from the list in the Subjects window, or enter your own if it's not in the general list: New Subject ⇒ Save.

Window with adding the subject

7. Adding of Form Teachers
Study groups are added during the import of student lists.
Form Teachers can be assigned as follows: Settings Study Groups Next to each class, click "Edit."
Settings of Study Groups

In the "Form Teacher" field, choose the appropriate teacher. Also, in this window, you can set a separate grading system for each group ⇒ Submit.

Study group editing window

8. Uploading the group schedule

A detailed guide on working with the schedule is available at the following link.

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