

1. Signing in to the platform

You can open the platform by following the link: Then sign in using your username and password.
Upon logging in, the school principal, vice principal, or administrator is directed to the initial screen of the Platform (Figure 1).

Fig. 1. Platform's Home Screen

2. Editing the schedule

To edit the class schedule, the user needs to open the "Schedule" section, and then a page with the school's schedule will be displayed. (fig. 2)

Fig. 2. Schedule screen

Upon the request of the educational institution's administration, the Lummio team can automatically generate the schedule for the academic semester using the provided schedule information from the educational institution's administration.
After pressing the button MY SCHEDULE the user has access to their lessons schedule.
After pressing the button GENERAL SCHEDULE the user has access to the schedule of all lessons in the school.
After pressing the button CURRENT WEEK the user is redirected to the Schedule page with information for the current week.

The user can sort the schedule of lessons for only one teacher, whose surname is selected from the list at the top of the page: 
Fig. 3. Filtering by teachers

The user has the option to edit each class in the schedule. After selecting the needed class, a menu with the following items appears (Fig. 3):

  1. Edit;
  2. Remove;
  3. Settings.
Fig. 3. Lesson management

After selecting "Edit," the editing window appears (Fig. 4), where you can modify the following details:

  1. Classroom;
  2. Subject;
  3. Teacher;
  4. Study group/subgroup;
  5. Date;
  6. Lesson index.

These changes can be made only once and will not be reflected in previous or current periods. 

Fig. 4. Filtering by teachers

After pressing the "Save" button, the specified changes are immediately reflected in the schedule of the educational institution.

After choosing "Delete," a confirmation window appears (Fig. 5), displaying basic information about the class the user is going to delete.
Fig. 5. Modal of deleting the lesson

The user needs to confirm their action ("Yes" button) or cancel it ("Cancel" button). After selecting "Settings," the editing window appears (Fig. 6), where detailed configuration of information is available:

  1. Classroom;
  2. Subject;
  3. Teacher;
  4. Study group/subgroup;
  5. Period start day;
  6. Period end day;
  7. Weekday;
  8. Frequency;
  9. Lesson index;
  10. Apply changes.

In the "Settings" section, changes in the schedule can be configured for any necessary period:

Fig. 6. Settings window

After pressing the button, the user gets the option to Add Lesson or Add Settings (Fig. 7).
Fig. 7. Add lessons button

After selecting "Add Lesson," the editing window appears (Fig. 4). Through this window, the user can add only one class. This implies that these changes will not affect the previous or current periods.

After choosing "Add Settings," the editing window appears (Fig. 6), where the user can add the class schedule for any period.

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